It may take another two years before the whole Red vs. Blue state issue gets mainstream media attention again, but in the meantime I've read Thomas Franks's book "What's the Matter with Kansas," which is an attempt to explain why so many people (e.g., a majority of Kansans) seem to vote against their own self-interest when they lean to the right.
The question is pretty interesting, after all. Franks points out that Kansas has long been a hotbed of populism, even as it exemplifies mainstream America. He differentiates between the "mods," devoted Republicans with which one can honest disagreements (think Bob Dole, a Kansan); and "cons," right-wing activists with whom no useful debate is possible. The cons belong to lower socio-economic strata, are inconsistently religious, and above all deeply suspicious of the "liberal elite," the "latte-drinking, Volvo-driving," well-educated crowd that seems to make a home in (as Bush pointed out) Massachusetts.
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