reports that the Norwegian press took note of the criticism against their coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict, reflected over it for about 2 nanoseconds, and then dismissed it. If the Israelis feel bad about the way the press treats them, they only have themselves to blame.
At this point, I think that most people and certainly Norwegian Jews, would rather put this whole thing behind them and leave the status quo alone.
Obviously, the Norwegian editorial elite really doesn't care. They are so steeped in their own superiority complex, prejudice and left-wing dogma that any appeal to reason, compassion, or decency gets shrugged off like annoying flies. It doesn't matter that you prove error after error, fallacy after fallacy, after their writing. They're editors, so it must necessarily follow that they're pretty close to infallible.
It is time to recognize that the Norwegian press is irrelevant to the whole discussion. It is time to issue a press release - if it could ever get printed - that the Norwegian public should simply assume that anything they hear in the Norwegian language press is full of anti-Israeli prejudice, whether or not it passes itself off as news, commentary, analysis, or opinion pieces. If Norwegians want to learn about current affairs around Israelis, Palestinians, etc., they should consult and read the news from at least five different sources, and then make up their own minds.
Israelis should press an embargo on Norwegian journalists. Everyone, from the left to the right, should refuse to talk with them, they should be uninvited to press conferences, they should be treated as hostile advocates. Of course they should be allowed to enter Israel on their press credentials, but that's all they're going to get. If Israeli officials are asked to comment on a Norwegian press report, they should simply state that they don't comment on fake news from political operatives.
The issue isn't whether the Norwegian press is too unfavorable to Israel; the issue is that the Norwegian press doesn't take their responsibility seriously. The campaign I'm proposing isn't to swing the pendelum to create an anti-Palestinian bias; it's to insist that reporters and editors at least make an effort to report the news accurately, factually, and completely - something they should all do at the pain of being fired but good.
Check out this website about problems in the Norwegian media regarding Canada.
Posted by: Jean-Francois Belancour | November 03, 2006 at 04:41 PM