If Norwegian newspapers had favored developments in Lebanon with any meaningful coverage, readers would have been surprised to learn that Lebanon is under Syrian military occupation. Instead, rumors of a fixed hockey game get prime billing in aftenposten.no, and news of Hariri's funeral and US diplomatic actions are hard to find. Just one more data point that proves just how anxious the European press is to demonize anything Jewish while glossing over events just as relevant and even more appalling than campers parked on hilltops on the West Bank.
Syria is a nasty regime that has impoverished its people and radicalized the Middle East. It can afford the occupation of Lebanon only at the expense of bare necessities for its people, and debka reports it is expending scarce hard currency to buy advanced weapons from shameless Russia. It might have been a better choice than Iraq for the neocon agenda, except for its porximity to Israel and lack of oil reserves. As it is, something will likely give soon - unless Damascus withdraws from Lebanon and adopts a more isolationist stance.
In the meantime, this episode appears to prove that Arab dictators need an enemy in Israel to distract them from killing each other. Sent wirelessly from my Blackberry.
Good thing they developed a back up concept if ever the other one collapsed.
Posted by: vigilon | June 08, 2011 at 03:11 AM
That is just hard to explain. Need some experienced people here.
Posted by: custom packaging | September 08, 2011 at 02:50 AM